COCK E.S.P. / Hurts So Good - The Cock E.S.P. Remix CD (CD)
COCK E.S.P. の2003年にりリリースされたアルバム。AUBE とのスプリット・アルバムもリリースしているミネアポリスを拠点とするノイズ・トリオ COCK E.S.P. の、V/Vm Test Record よりリリースされたリミックス・アルバム (?) のデッドストック。

COCK E.S.P. / Hurts So Good - The Cock E.S.P. Remix CD (CD)

V/Vm Test Records (OFFAL014)
COCK E.S.P. / Hurts So Good - The Cock E.S.P. Remix CD (CD)
COCK E.S.P. の2003年にりリリースされたアルバム『Hurts So Good - The Cock E.S.P. Remix CD』。AUBE とのスプリット・アルバムもリリースしているミネアポリスを拠点とするノイズ・トリオ COCK E.S.P. の、V/Vm Test Record よりリリースされたリミックス・アルバム (?) のデッドストック。SMEGMA の John Wiese、v/vm の James Kirby、Jansky Noise、Kid606、そして多分メンバー自身によるリミックスなどが、数十秒のトラックを中心に99トラック収録・・・訳がわかりません。V/Vm ファンお買い逃しなく。

1. Introduction (Hill Street Cock) Featuring - Leon & Hits 2:26
2. Take Some Ibuprofen And You Probably Won't Feel The Pain (Love Is Pain Mix) Remix - The Excessive Size Punisher 0:35
3. Hologram Of Balls (Horrorglam Of Bars Mix) Remix - Madame Chao 1:03
4. Just Say No To Decaer Pinga (Hurts Terribly Mix) Remix - The Desperate Accountant 1:16
5. Don't Stop Bleedin' (Phat Pain Mix) Remix - U Can Unlearn Guitar 0:58
6. Livin' & Learnin' (Krispie Livin' Mix) Remix - The Ludikrispies 0:25
7. Send Her My Pain (All You Need Is Pain Mix) Remix - Nightfriend 0:38
8. Only Happy When In Pain (Dewberry's Blueberries Mix) Remix - Dolores Dewberry 0:34
9. No Cock Blues (The President Has No Cock Mix) Remix - Albee, Obscuration 0:44
10. Pain For The Sake Of Pain (Wheeze-L Mix) Remix - R. Nuuja 0:57
11. Don't Stop Bleedin' (Club Mix) Remix - Nightfriend 0:47
12. Livin' & Learnin' (Cock 22 Mix) Remix - Imperare 0:16
13. Cock Sequence (Jackass Mix) Remix - The Enigmatic And Snappy Poseurs 0:21
14. Only Happy When In Pain (Let Me Tickle Your Rickle Mix) Remix - Pengo 0:57
15. Don't Stop Bleedin' (Flybecock Mix) Remix - Blatch 0:36
16. King Of Pain (Kind Of Pussy Mix) Remix - Kazko P. Smut 0:48
17. Pain For The Sake Of Pain (G# Mix) Remix - Newton 0:31
18. Nite Of The Cock Stalker (C.o.c.k. M.i.x.) Remix - The Edible Scab Package 0:35
19. November Pain (Music-Video Mix) Remix - John Wiese 0:58
20. The Pursuit Of Crappiness (Invitation To Love Mix) Remix - Seasonal Concepts 0:54
21. Enough Is Enough (Tub Mix) Remix - Nightfriend 0:10
22. Who's Crying Now (Brain Reconfiguration Mix) Remix - U Can Unlearn Guitar 0:30
23. Cock Sequence (Play Me 12x Slower Mix) Remix - Page 27 0:24
24. The Cock Looks Red (Big Up Boh Selecta 2 All The Crews Out There!! Mix) Remix - Animal MacGregor 1:00
25. Energetic Sniffle Patrol (Be Prepared Mix) Remix - Kazko E.S.P. 0:39
26. I'll Be Alright Without Pain (Merzbau Mix) Remix - | | | 0:49
27. Centrefold (Oakenfold Mix) Remix - Billy Ray Cyrix 0:30
28. Don't Stop Bleedin' (Enormous Cock Mix) Remix - DJ Enormous Genitals 1:00
29. Send Her My Pain (Nothing To Gain Mix) Remix - Radio Shock 1:16
30. The Cock Looks Red (Captain Ahab Mix) Remix - Captain Ahab 0:31
31. Send Her My Pain (Who's My Pain Now? Mix) Remix - Joe+N 1:02
32. Eightball Shadow Powerhouse (Viennaville Mix) Remix - Kazko E.S.P. 0:48
33. Be Bad To Yourself (Every Other One Is The Key Mix) Remix - Twin Towers 0:22
34. Be Bad To Yourself (Midnight Sun Mix) Remix - Origami Epeleptika 0:56
35. Don't Stop Bleedin' (Don't Stop Finding Blood Mix) Remix - Finding Nowhere 0:20
36. After The Pain (I'll Go To Spain Mix) Remix - Sudden Infant 0:58
37. Eric's Cock (Sadist Mix) Remix - Satans Dragons 0:13
38. Send Her My Pain (We Clearly Understand What Memory Is Mix) Remix - Sausage Finger 0:38
39. The Best Band On This Compilation (Euromix) Remix - The Excessive Size Punisher 0:19
40. Don't Stop Bleedin' (My Favorite Cock Moments Mix) Remix - DJ Faccia Di Merda 0:56
41. Don't Stop Bleedin' (Take Me To My Car Mix) Remix - Carlos Griffon 0:41
42. Who Can Stop The Pain? (Cuttin' Muffins Mix) Remix - Appliance 0:21
43. Fantasy Spice (Affordability Mix) Remix - Ob Stokkem 0:37
44. Don't Stop Bleedin' (Rub Mix) Remix - Nightfriend 0:41
45. Here Comes The Pain Again (Wiseguy Dumbed Down Mix) Remix - U Can Unlearn Guitar 0:50
46. Cock's Promise (From The Side Of The Tambourine Mix) Remix - Burning Star Core 0:48
47. Coward Electronics (Excursion Of Savant Peafowl Mix) Remix - Insect Deli 0:29
48. Only Happy When In Pain (Luvlee Mix) Remix - The Caretaker 0:53
49. Viking Blood (Grumpy Mix) Remix - Duo Kanel, Page 27 0:25
50. Song For The Asskicking (Sildajazz 2003 Mix) Remix - Sten Ove Toft 0:23
51. Be Bad To Yourself (Pain In My Eyes Mix) Remix - Emil's Small Penis 0:30
52. Sadistic Tenderness (Manipulated Turntable Mix) Remix - Tripping On Falling 0:19
53. Don't Stop Bleedin' (Teenage Incest Gay Disco Mix) Remix - Bjorn Hatterud 0:42
54. Send Her My Pain (Rotorific Mix) Remix - Roger Rotor 0:52
55. Sweet Cherry Phi (Love Action Mix) Remix - The Eternally Suffering Pricks 0:46
56. Catholic Cock (Children Are The Future Mix) Featuring - The Mellow Oaks First Grade Choir
Remix - Albee, Obscuration 0:12
57. Cuttin', Punchin', Screamin' (You Should Have Been More Careful Mix) Remix - W?ldchengarten 0:51
58. Pacific Cock Highway (Route Sixty-Snizz Mix) Remix - V/Vm 0:25
59. Don't Stop Bleedin' (Make It Or Break It Mix) Remix - Elyse's Secret Pain 0:31
60. Livin' & Learnin' (Hey Idiot! Mix) Remix - Unconditional Loathing 0:20
61. Cock Sequence (Vst Trash Mix) Remix - Page 27 0:21
62. The Best Band On This Compilation (Don't You Want Pain, Baby? Mix) Remix - Nightfriend 0:11
63. Don't Stop Bleedin' (Hold On To That Spleen Mix) Remix - V/Vm 0:36
64. The Pain I Feel Inside (Sax Appeal Mix) Remix - DJ Ortho, Jacopo Andreini 0:51
65. Cock Sequence (Tirbs Draw K Cab Mix) Remix - Page 27 0:24
66. Don't Stop Bleedin' (Pretty Cock Mix) Remix - Rxse Fxr Bxhdan 0:43
67. Don't Stop Bleedin' (Emil Learns About Pleasure Mix) Remix - Seasonal Affect 0:45
68. Bored Entertainer (A Very Cocky Christmas Mix) Remix - The Vig 0:51
69. Public Apology (Racial Slur Mix) Remix - Noodles 0:35
70. Pain For The Sake Of Pain (Weasel Sucking Jim O'Rourke's Dick Mix) Remix - Objective, Wrong 0:29
71. Don't Say We Didn't Warn You (Destruction In E.S.P. Minor Mix) Remix - Mike Shift 0:29
72. Don't Stop Bleedin' (We Are Cock E.S.P Mix) Remix - Pathetic 0:21
73. Don't Stop Bleedin' (Cocky Talk Mix) Remix - Chaoboy 0:26
74. Burning Cock (Spooky Mix) Remix - Insect Deli 0:31
75. Don't Stop Bleedin' (Glitch Mix) Remix - Roughage 0:17
76. Pain For The Sake Of Pain (Emo Mix) Remix - Panicsville 0:43
77. Cock Sequence (From The Necessity Of The Divine Cock Mix) Remix - King Vidor 0:39
78. Total Eclipse Of The Cock (Noise Rock Mix) Remix - Dr. Noise, Prof. Nailhead 1:13
79. November Pain (Afternoon Rainy Pain Mix) Remix - U Can Unlearn Guitar 0:37
80. After The Pain (Recycling Useless Products To Make More Useless Products Mix) Remix - Hermit 0:37
81. Hard To Get (An Artist In His Own Fault Mix) Remix - Jansky Noise 0:53
82. Somewhere Between Norway And Miami (Shootin' Blanks Mix) Remix - Uncle Fatso 0:49
83. Pain Will Find A Way (Elephant Woman Mix) Remix - Ovo 0:41
84. Too Good To Be Experimental (Ten Below Mix) Remix - Arctic Universe 0:59
85. Bulldog It (Whip That Dog Mix) Remix - Objective 0:55
86. Send Her My Pain (Devil In The Details Mix) Remix - Evil Satanic Poultry, Kid666 0:36
87. Burning Cock (Black In Back Mix) Remix - Unconditional Cock 0:23
88. Cuttin', Punchin', Screamin' (PVC Mix) Remix - Newton 0:22
89. Enjoy The Violence (Drom Bomb Mix) Remix - Domino 0:22
90. Cock Is Boring (Boring Mix) Remix - Kazko E.S.P. 0:35
91. Be Bad To Yourself (Classic Cock Mix) Remix - Mangenerated, Rexor 0:33
92. Kill Yr. Cocks (Good Taste Mix) Remix - Eurasian Spanking Party 0:23
93. Gothic Wisconsin (Emotional Mix) Remix - Billy Ray Cyrix 0:48
94. Quest For The Cock (Crap Bit Mix) Remix - Kazoo Peasmith 0:14
95. Master-Dick (Dom Mix) Remix - Origami Genitalia 0:12
96. Theresa's Cock-World (Smallcockesp Mix) Remix - DJ Smallcock 0:14
97. The Best Band On This Compilation (Cowshit Mix) Remix - The Muckrakers 0:56
98. Take Some Ibuprofen And You Probably Won't Feel The Pain (The Price Of American Noise Mix) Remix - Dixie Prix 4:19
99. Bonus Track (Remix CD) 1:00
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